The aim of undergraduate education at DISHA is to enable the students to face the wide ranging changes taking place in the fields of technology, environment and management with confidence. This includes undertaking design, development, construction, production, managerial and entrepreneurial activities and higher studies in their chosen or allied interdisciplinary field of study.
The institute emphasizes on assisting students in the developing of character and self confidence with management traits. To achieve these goals, the curriculum lays more stress on learning and less on teaching. Efforts are made to encourage self learning, creative thinking, creative evaluation, spirit of inquiry and imbibe the culture of lifelong learning.
Every course offered maintains some teaching schedule for which weekly contact hours are decided for delivering lectures, engaging tutorials and performing practices to make learning in a course more effective. In the syllabi the information regarding number of courses credits and contact hours per week are donated as L-T-P.
The program offers many categories of courses as :
Evaluation in every course is based on :