- Admission in to the college is on the basis of directives received from Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,Raipur (C.G.).
- Admission form for admission has to be submitted in the prescribed format correctly. Incomplete and incorrect application may be rejected outright.
- Students are required to submit the original mark sheet of their previous classes along with attested photocopies of the same.
- Students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the institute, as declared and notified from time to time.
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in accordance and as per directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
- Students are not expected to indulge in any unsocial, criminal or political activity, not conforming to his / her status as student and or against the interest of the institute/ organization.
- Minimum 75% attendance is compulsory to be eligible to appear in Board Examination (or as guided by CG State Board). Students are required to submit leave application giving valid reason for absence from classes. The leave/absence application shall be submitted to the concerned HOD. Medical certificate must be submitted for medical leave.
- Students found damaging the institute's property shall be punished and fined and may also be suspended/rusticated from institute.
- Fee once paid will not be refunded. Full payment of the fee is to be made on yearly basis in advance within prescribed dates.
- Caution Money shall be refunded on completion of the full term of the course on presenting the original fee receipt only.
- In case of repeated disobedience/misconduct the disciplinary committee shall be authorized to take an affidavit from the students prescribed by Disha to impose sanctions and restrictive compliance.
- Students shall follow the prescribed dress code in the institute.
- Disputes may be referred to arbitration first. All disputes are subject to Raipur jurisdiction only.
Hostel Rules
The tenancy of the students is subject to admission in a particular course and the availability of beds.
The Rules and Regulations of the Hostel may be seen in details in the admission form of the Hostel.
Library Rules
The Library card will be issued to users at the beginning of the academic in the institute, subject to the regulations of the Library.
The detailed library rules can be seen in the library membership form.
Computer Labs Rules
The System Administrator issues instructions and guidelines from time to time for proper utilization of Lab.
Rules & Regulations For Travelling In Buses
The students will specifically travel in the Buses, which are earmarked to them for this purpose.
The Transportation rules are subject to changes from time to time and shall be duly notified.
The details of transportation rules may be seen in the admission form.
Students admitted in the college must obtain identify card. Students are required to wear it always and present it as and when asked for.
Note : The institute reserves the right to alter or add or change the Rules and Regulations which shall be notified from time to time.